Multi-Family Housing Market Study
RiverPark Specific Plan
Oxnard, California
RiverPark Development, LLC
California Economic Forecast
Project Description:
Market research and analysis to provide product recommendations and specific rental value projections for up to 1,062 units of high-density, market-rate multi-family rental units as proposed for the RiverPark Specific Plan.
Initial Feasibility Assessment
Channel Islands Center
Oxnard, California
Avion Development, LLC
Project Description:
Initial market research and analysis to consider the potential feasibility and market positioning of a residential condominium component of Channel Islands Center , a proposed high-rise and mid-rise mixed-use development that includes 1,043 residential condominiums and 66,700-sq.-ft. of commercial and office space.
Commercial Land Use Feasibility Study for Local Coastal Plan Amendment
Malibu, California

County of Ventura Resource Management Agency, Planning Division
Private Developer
Project Description:
This feasibility study was prepared in response to a request from the California Coastal Commission staff. The purpose was to help assess an application for a Local Coastal Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from commercial to residential on a 2.85-acre portion of a site located on Pacific Coast Highway.
The study:
Assessed the feasibility of developing new visitor-serving commercial uses on the subject property by conducting independent market research, considering site specific conditions, completing economic analysis of potentially viable uses and providing professional conclusions as to the viability of the subject property for visitor serving commercial use.
Offer professional opinions regarding the potential effect which Coastal Commission approval of the proposed land use designation changes may have on the long term viability of the existing adjacent properties.
Assess and draw conclusions as to the property’s highest and best use, economically feasible use and maximally productive use.
Market Feasibility Studies
Vintage at the Rose
Oxnard, California
SIA Partners
Project Description:
Market research and feasibility analysis for Vintage at the Rose, a proposed luxury apartment development with 404-units. The purpose of this study was to examine the state of the local and regional multi-family housing market and economy, to draw conclusions regarding the appropriateness of the proposed project for the specific site, potential benefits of project to the adjacent community and overall feasibility of the project in the marketplace that includes projections of achievable rents and anticipated absorption rate.
California Tax Credit Allocation Committee
Market Studies
DSG has prepared market studies in conformance with the State of California’s Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTAC) and California Debt Limit Allocation Committee guidelines to secure funding for the development of numerous affordable housing communities.
Studies have been prepared for a variety of agencies and projects, including:
Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura
Los Feliz Housing Affordable Apartments, Thousand Oaks, California
Proposal to develop Los Feliz Housing Affordable Apartments, a 60-unit tax credit multi-family housing complex.
Los Feliz Housing Affordable Apartments includes one, two, and three-bedroom apartments. All are reserved for low-income households.
Many Mansions (a non-profit affordable housing provider)
Hacienda de Feliz Apartments, Thousand Oaks, California
Proposal to develop Hacienda de Feliz Apartments, a 25-unit affordable apartment complex.
Hacienda de Feliz Apartments includes two and three-bedroom apartments. All are reserved for low-income households.
Rent Reasonableness Studies
DSG prepares Rent Reasonableness Studies in conformance with HUD reporting requirements. The purpose of these studies is to ensure that HUD Section 8 rent levels do not lead the market by exceeding local market-rate rents for comparable units.
Studies have been prepared for the following agencies:
Market Feasibility Study and Product Recommendations
Poli & Oak Pavilion
Ventura, California

Poli & Oak, L.L.C.
Granite Financial Services
Project Description:
Market research and analysis to provide specific rental value projections and product recommendations for the Poli & Oak Pavilion, a mixed-use development consisting of 31 luxury residential units and 13,930-sq.-ft. of office/commercial lease space in downtown Ventura.
Market Feasibility Study
Row Park Apartments
Ventura, California

AMI Capital, Inc.
Project Description:
Market research and analysis for Park Row Apartments, a proposed mixed-use development consisting of 32 residential units, 2,044-sq.-ft. of storefront commercial space and an enclosed parking garage. This study was prepared in accordance with HUD MAP Guide requirements for the General Occupancy Rental Housing - Section 221(d)(4) Program and was used by AMI and HUD as a resource in performing loan underwriting of the development.
Preliminary Market Study
Oxnard Dunes Development
Oxnard, California
Centex Homes
Project Description:
Preliminary market research, analysis, product recommendations and sales price projections for Centex Homes’ proposed Oxnard Dunes Development that consists of approximately 220 attached and detached homes in the Oxnard Beach/Channel Island Harbor community.